Sunday, September 19, 2010

Another Day - People Views

Today "Sep 19th 2010" was a day of community service as we had 'Annadanam - Service to God by feeding our fellow beings'. It was fun as usual - friends, community with whom I've been mingling for most of my life and new faces and expressions like ignorance, humbleness and acceptance. What causes these difference in people, what is the actual reason behind different beliefs. Simple words like "thanks" and "Excuse me" loosing the dignity as "Move On" becomes a global cum generic term used by people to treat each other.

The best example that I can give is of our family, we saw everyone of them in church today. Not so long ago was a phase when we were a tightly knit bunch of maniacs, now we try to hide away which doesn't take long to inculcate - 'Escapism'. Wonder were is the world heading towards.

Everything put together - Materialistic pleasures over shadows everything, pretty simple to create differences. Once we master it the meaning of "life" changes drastically.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Life - Smile because it costs nothing

At 25 life teaches a person three things:

1. That life is not just another cycle which can be taken for granted as it needs lots of polishing.
2. Never Compromise as time lost is not worth regretting.
3. Get a smile on peoples face as its just the name which remains im-mortal and not the person. Moral - Give others a reason to smile by always living life as if its the last day - Dooms day rather

Today September 19th 2010 is special as tears rolled down thinking about the past, happiness, sadness, moments of utter disappointment and happiness which was short lived - so many expressions for a person to learn from something which is gifted to everyone called "Life".

Me saying - Be an example for others to follow you - It costs nothing (*smile it is magical)